Find Us

The full postal address of the theatre is

59 Church Street

To find Church Street from the A556, at the Kingsmead/Davenham roundabout, take the turning towards Davenham. Caution – 20 mph limit and Speed Bumps ! After passing houses and a Convenience Shop, you should see the Oddfellows Arms on your right and the Bulls Head straight ahead. Take the first road on the left, which is Church Street. The theatre is about 300 metres along Church Street on the left. If you reach the Parish Church, you have gone past the theatre.


Parking is possible in Church Street but is generally crowded. Please be careful not to block access to any property. We advise all theatre patrons that, rather than trying to park before the theatre and risking impeding traffic flow or residents’ driveways, you drive past the theatre towards the Parish Church and park on the left-hand side of the road drive when you find a clear space. The driver may want to drop off passengers before parking and walking back.

Click Here for a more detailed map showing the area around the theatre. You can key in your address too to get directions to the theatre.