Volunteering Policy

Davenham Players Volunteering Policy

1. Introduction

Davenham Players has no paid staff. All people working within the organization are volunteers. This policy has been written to inform potential and current volunteers that our organization is committed to treating our volunteers and members equally and fairly and that they can do their activity/work safely and with the appropriate knowledge. The policy sets out a framework to help volunteers understand how they can expect to be treated. Please refer to our Child Protection Policy that is used when children work with the group.

2. Volunteer Recruitment

Volunteers are recruited on a non-discriminatory and open basis with full regard to equality and diversity. We aim to find a job to do for any person who volunteers that is appropriate to their ability.

3. Induction and Training

New volunteers will be introduced to the elements of this policy. When a volunteer takes on a new task, the nature of the task will be explained to them by an organiser and they will be told whom to go to if any query or problem arises.

4. Expenses

If a volunteer is asked to purchase an article for use at or by the organization, they will be fully reimbursed for the purchase by the Treasurer or member of the committee. Travelling expenses may be offered under exceptional circumstances.

5. Supervision and Support

If the volunteer is new to a task, they will invariably be accompanied by an experienced volunteer to give advice and support. Once the volunteer feels confident and happy to do so, they may be asked to do the task with less close supervision.

6. Health and Safety

Emergency procedures including what to do in the event of fire will be explained to new volunteers. Appropriate tools and protection will be provided when essential to the task.

7. Confidentiality and Data Protection

A volunteer’s personal information such as Address, Email and Telephone will not be shared with members of the public or other volunteer members without permission.

8. Problem solving and Complaint procedures for volunteers

Any dispute or complaint should initially be referred to the supervisor on the spot or to a committee member. If this fails to produce a resolution, then the matter should be escalated. Please refer to the Complaints Policy for details.

This policy was agreed at the committee meeting on the 9th November 2017. It is to be reviewed annually to ensure that it is fit for purpose and current at the first Committee meeting following each Annual General Meeting of the club.

Chairman ……………………………. Secretary ……………………………
Date ……………………. Date ……………………..